Guide for Authors

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in MS WORD format to Poultry Science Journal (PSJ) at and allowing authors to benefit from faster review and earlier online publication. Unregistered authors should first create an account on PSJ to log on. Manuscript submission should be submitted by the manuscript corresponding author via author section. Further enquiries should be directed to Editor-in-Chief by E-mail:

Manuscript must be written in English. The text and all supporting materials must use USA spelling conventions. Authors make sure there are no typographical errors in the manuscript.

Manuscripts must be typed in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman font at 10 points, double spaced in A4 size page with 2.5 cm margin on all sides. All lines and pages should be numbered consecutively.

The manuscript should be organized as follows:

Title Page: The title page should contain (i) a concise and informative full title, (ii) the initials and name(s) of the author (s), (iii) the full postal address (es) of the institution(s) where the work was carried out, (iv) a short informative running title and (v) the name and address, telephone, fax and E-mail numbers of the corresponding author. Footnotes containing other addresses may be included. Nothing else should appear on the title page.

Abstract: This should not be more than 300 words, in a structured format, and its purpose is to summarize the main aims, results and conclusions in such a way that they could be understood by any interested reader and not only experts in the subject, and could be used by an abstracting journal. References to published or unpublished work and use of abbreviations should be avoided.

The structured abstract of a research article has four parts: the major objectives, methods, results, and conclusion. The abstract is followed by three to five keywordsto be used for subject indexing. These should be singular (e.g., hen, not hens).

 Introduction: This should be as short as possible, and should simply serve to introduce the reader to the purpose and significance of the work described. It should neither be a mini-review nor should it be so bald as to be uninformative. When making general statements, reference should be made to recent reviews, and specific references should be cited only if they are particularly relevant.

 Materials and Methods: Sufficient information for the reader to be able to repeat the work must be given, but techniques described in detail in other publications need not be repeated, provided that an adequate reference is cited. Major modifications to methods should be clearly described. The number of experiments, replicates, etc. and any statistical tests used should be stated. 

The full binomial name should be given for all organisms, except those such as mice, rats and rabbits, commonly used in laboratories and domesticated animals such as cows, dogs and cats. Generic names should be given italics in full when first mentioned and subsequently if any confusion is likely to arise. International System of Unites (SI) should be used wherever appropriate and other standard statistical, chemical, biochemical and molecular abbreviations may also be used. Mathematical formula must be carefully typed, possibly using the equation. When a paper contains several equations they should be identified with a number in parenthesis (e.g. Equation 1.).

 Results: These should be confined to a factual account of the actual results obtained. Where necessary results should be analyzed using an appropriate statistical test. Discussion and reference to other work should be left to the discussion.

(i) Tables. Each table, headed by a self-explanatory title, must be double spaced on a separate page and numbered consecutively. Each table should be referred to consecutively as Table 1 etc in the text.

(ii) Figures. These may be line drawings or photographs and all should be referred to consecutively in the text as Fig. 1 etc. Component parts of figures should be labeled A, B, C etc. Captions for figures should be self-explanatory and must not contain details of results. Preferred symbols are open and filled circles, squares and triangles, and these should be used consistently.

Photographs should be the same size as they will appear in the journal and should be selected to fit neatly into one column (80 mm). Photographs should be labeled and numbered as for line drawings. For microscopical preparations, scale bars with appropriate units (e.g. 50 μm) must be provided; statements of magnification are not acceptable. Colour figures may be accepted provided that they are of a very high quality and scientifically necessary. The final decision for use of colour will be at the discretion of the editors.

 Discussion: The results should neither be repeated in detail nor should new information be   introduced. Speculation is encouraged but should not go beyond reasonable and testable hypotheses. The discussion should not attempt to be a mini-review. The results and discussion could be emerged in a single section.

 Acknowledgments: Author (s) may acknowledge individuals or organizations that provided advice, support (non-financial). A brief and formal acknowledgment section, if desired, should follow the conclusion statement. Do not include titles of persons; such as Dr., Mr., or Mrs., use only initials and surnames.

 References: References in the text should be in full if they have one or two authors (e.g. Author, 2012; author and author, 2012); in the case of multiple authors they should be cited as author et al., 2012. References should be arranged in alphabetical order with the following examples:

(i) Article:

Rafiei F & Khajali F. 2021. Flavonoid antioxidants in chicken meat production: Potential application and future trends. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 77: 347- 361. DOI: 10.1080/00439339.2021.1891401

Abbasi M, Dastar B, Afzali N, Shams Shargh M & Hashemin SR. The effects of nano and micro particle size of zinc oxide on performance, fertility, hatchability, and egg quality characteristics in laying Japonese quail. Biological Trace Element Research, 20: 2338-2348. DOI: 10.1007/s12011-021-02848-2

(ii) Book:

Nalbandov AV. 1963. Advances in Neuroendocrinology. 2nd Ed. University of Illinois Press. Urbana. 480 Pages.

NRC (National Research Council). 1994. Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. 9th Rev. Ed. National Academy Press. Washington, DC. 176 Pages.

(iii) Chapter in a book:

Simkiss K & Taylor TG. 1971. Shell formation. In: Bell DJ & Freeman BM. (Eds). Physiology and Biochemistry of the Domestic Fowl. Academic Press. London. Pages, 1331-1343.

(iv) Conference:

Dastar B & Golian A. 2003. Total versus digestible amino acid feeding in young male broilers. 14th European Symposium of Poultry Nutrition. Lillehammer, Norway. Pages, 306-307.

(v) Thesis:

Hashemi SR. 2009. Selected herbal plants as growth and health promoters in broiler chickens. PhD Dissertation. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Putra, Malysia. 220 Pages.

 (vi) Software:

SAS (Statistical Analysis System). 2008. SAS/STAT® 9.2. User's Guide. SAS Institute Inc. Cary, North Carolina.

SPSS (Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences). 1996. SPSS for Windows Release 10.01. SPSS Inc. Chicago.

(vii) Web page:

Tanaka M. 2009. J-Poultry Web. Accessed on September 10. 2013.

(viii) Patent:

Wideman RF & Bottje WG. 2000. In ovo use of L-arginine and salts thereof in the prevention and/or treatment of pulmonary hypertension syndrome in avian. US Patent, No 6,127,421.

 Note: One set of proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. Typing errors and minor changes may be corrected: no major changes or additions to the accepted manuscript will be allowed.