A Meta-Analysis of Genetic Parameter Estimates for Economically Important Traits in Iranian Indigenous Chickens

Document Type : Original Paper


Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


This study aimed to perform a meta-analysis to combine genetic parameters for economically important traits of Iranian indigenous chickens. A data set of information related to different growth, reproduction, and egg quality traits including 336 heritability estimates and 433 genetic correlations from 45 articles published between 2007 and 2019 were used. Meta-analysis was performed based on a random-effects model to calculate the effect size for genetic parameters. Also, statistic and Q test were used to measure the degree of heterogeneity among studies. The mean heritability for growth traits ranged from 0.222 (body weight at hatch) to 0.34 (body weight at 12 weeks of age). The lowest and highest estimates of the heritability for reproductive traits were 0.181 (number of eggs produced) and 0.449 (age at sexual maturity), respectively. The mean heritability estimate for egg internal quality traits varied from 0.211 (yolk weight) to 0.355 (albumin weight) and for external quality traits of eggs in the range from 0.261 (shell strength) up to 0.332 (Shell weight). Also, the mean genetic correlation estimates between growth traits, and between reproductive traits ranged from 0.297 to 0.878 and -0.678 to 0.788, respectively. Also, the genetic correlation between internal and external quality traits of eggs ranged from -0.069 to -0.979 and -0.012 to -0.856, respectively. The estimates reported in the present study are appropriate to be used in breeding programs when reliable genetic parameter estimates are not accessible for economically important traits in native fowls.


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