Genomic Selection for Poultry Breeding and its Potential Applications in Developing Countries (Review)

Document Type : Review


1 Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center, P. O. Box 35, Batu, Ethiopia

2 Haramaya University, School of Animal and Range Science, P.O. Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia


This review article provides a general overview of advanced molecular techniques and their implementation in the genetic improvement of poultry and presents the potential application of these techniques in developing countries. Advances in molecular genetics have contributed to a significant rate of genetic progress in domestic fowl, especially for traits that are difficult to improve through conventional breeding methods. Compared to developed nations, however, the application of molecular techniques for the genetic improvement of poultry is limited in most developing countries due to a lack of infrastructure, capital, and human resources. This does not mean that it is an impossible task. To implement molecular techniques in developing countries, the potential merit of using these tools for the genetic improvement of poultry should be evaluated in terms of economic costs and benefits of the technology compared with conventional breeding. The existence of conventional genetic evaluation and selection programs is also a prerequisite, along with well-established research institutions and well-trained human resources. More important are the cooperation and partnership with academic and research institutions in developed countries to address challenges in applying molecular tools and associated infrastructures to implement genomic selection in developing countries.


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