Author = Bahman Parizadian Kavan Kavan
Evaluation of the Effects of Spirulina platensis Extract on Productive Performance, Egg Quality and Serum Composition in Laying Japanese Quails Under Dexamethasone-induced Stress

Articles in Press, Corrected Proof, Available Online from 01 June 2025

Simin Bahrami; Bahman Parizadian Kavan; Heshmatollah Khosravinia; Babak Masouri; Mohsen Mohamadi Saei

The Effect of Spirulina platensis and Vitamin C on Some Reproductive Parameters in Japanese Quails Under Induced Stress

Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2025, Pages 93-105


Tahmineh Hayatolgheibi; Seyyed Mojtaba Mousavi; Bahman Parizadian Kavan Kavan

Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Milk Thistle and Nettle Essential Oils on Performance, Egg Quality, and Hematological Parameters in Layer Hens

Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 125-131


Bahman Parizadian Kavan; Heshmatollah Khosravinia; Razzagh Karimirad; Fateme Tavakolinasab

Effects of Extra Nutritional Vitamin D3 Levels on Physiological Response of Broiler Chicks Exposed to Repeated Lactic Acidosis

Volume 9, Issue 2, December 2021, Pages 197-206


Zeina Boroumandnia; Heshmatollah Khosravinia; Babak Masouri; Bahman Parizadian Kavan